
Beyond is a culmination of a journey. Okay, part-journey…

Histories & stories, walks,talks, maps, memories, articles, workshops and all else we have carefully created in the past thirteen years with niche travel collectives, Beyond Bombay, Beyond Delhi & with Beyond Text meet here.

Beyond Bombay was born of curiosity, to know more about the city one learnt to call home, Beyond Delhi of a need to understand and engage with the past and present of Delhi and the Delhiite, who calls this city home and Beyond Text to go beyond the four corners of text and open the world of literature, music, poetry, drama, films, walks, history & more to children through mini weekend sessions.

Having done or at least attempting the different lens- different walk –different talk thing across the board with guests from all over the world, expat associations, embassies, schools, ngos, teachers, corporates we now open all the walks, routes, resources and learnings for you to make it your own - know, read, use and go beyond the usual with BEYOND - for that was the idea in the first place!

For all the friends and well wishers who have asked 'Isn’t it making yourself redundant?' The answer is No. It's making us relevant in a world people want to walk on a click.

For others, we are around to run the tours - just a mail away!!

To the next new...

Shriti K Tyagi, founder
